"Your credit report is your financial report card and your credit score is your grade. Together, they show if you've got your life together," said Chantel Chapman, Financial Fitness Coach with Mogo. "Let's say you're in a relationship with someone and you want to buy a house together. If your credit rocks and theirs sucks, that might not bode well for your future together. And sure, you're probably not-and you shouldn't be-picking a partner based on their net worth, but it is important to be aligned with someone who has habits and goals that are on your level."
As Mogo explored ways to talk to their largely millennial audience about financial fitness, they discovered fascinating parallels between relationships and money, and decided to explore the connection further. Partially inspired by recent Federal Reserve Board research examining the link between credit trustworthiness and trustworthiness in relationships Mogo launched a survey in December 2015. They asked questions such as "Do you know your significant other's credit score?" and "If you found out your partner had bad credit, what would you do?"
Key survey findings:
- 67% of replies claimed to favour an awesome credit score over model good looks
- 50% of people in a loving relationship admit to NOT knowing their partner's credit score
- Finding out that a significant other is scoring low isn't a deal breaker: 87% of respondents said they would actively encourage their partner to fix it
- 40% of respondents think you should know your partner's credit score before you move in together:
- 20% think you should know before buying a home
- 15% think you should know before getting married
- 2% think you should know before having sex
- 6% of respondents said you should ask your date about their credit score during the first few dates
Tips on how to bring up the "credit talk" while dating
Chantel Chapman, Mogo's Financial Fitness Coach, advises that those in the dating scene should have the talk early rather than wait too long. She offers these additional tips for having the "credit talk":
Before you have the talk, start looking for signs that indicate that your partner might not be on top of their credit. Things such as: they're really disorganized, they're forgetful about dates and deadlines, they get a lot of phone calls that they don't answer in front of you, among others. If you notice these things, you should probably have the talk. But either way, you should definitely have it before you combine finances/get serious.
Know that finding out your significant other has a low score is an opportunity to educate and become closer. 87% of survey respondents said they would actively encourage their partner to fix it and only 2% said it may be cause for breaking up. There's a lot of information out there; If they love you, they want to help.
Big earners may not equal great credit. Don't be afraid to ask, even if you're dating a big earner. They might make $150,000 a year, but are they responsible, and how do they handle their money?
It's not about the score… or maybe it is. You want to connect with someone who can respect your financial values. A credit score is a great indicator. Think of it as a shortcut to understanding some one's values and everyday habits.
Need more information on how to turn your credit score around? Looking for more tips on financial planning for your future? Email Me to set up a meeting to discuss how you can have the perfect score before or after you marry!
Thanks to SOURCE Mogo Finance Technology Inc for the research and information for this article.
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